Saturday, February 9, 2013

Here's what you should know about me:

Like 99% of females, I love to shop. I constantly find myself catching a case of the I-Have-A-Closet-Full-Of-Clothes-But-Nothing-To-Wear. Which, of course, makes me want to shop even more. Which is a problem, seeing as I'm a college bound teenager with little to no spending money.
I also love DIY tutorials. Stylegawker is like my online bible. In my opinion, the only thing better than owning something cute is owning something cute that you made yourself
However, it seems like every time I find a good DIY online, it tells me I need a big list of supplies which I don't own. With my past crafting experiences, I've witnessed first hand how quickly a Michael's or AC Moore bill can add up. And sometimes, I find myself wondering if I could have bought the same product in the store for less money than I had to pay for supplies to be able to do it myself. So, this all brought me here, to this blog. Here's where I'll sort through all of my DIY finds, telling you what's worked and hasn't worked, what's worth it and what's not, and, most importantly, how to do projects on a budget. If you notice, I try to use the same products for as many projects as possible; this is my way of keeping the costs for my projects low
The majority of my tutorials will also be projects that don't take very long. I tend to have a short attention span, and absolutely hate any projects that take more than an hour or so. I can't guarantee this will always be true for the tutorials I post, but I'll try my best. Chances are, if i'm sharing a long tutorial with you, it was worth it.
If you're still reading this, thank you for sticking with me through this rather boring introduction. This is my first blog, so this is new territory for me. Any feedback is appreciated, as is any sharing of my blog. 

Well, let the games begin.

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